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What is Amazon Smile, and why should I use it?

  • If you shop on Amazon frequently, you can set up your account to donate 0.5% of your eligible purchases to AZRD by shopping AmazonSmile.

Who can use it?

  • Share it with your friends and family – Anyone can use it as long as they set it up and shop AmazonSmile!


Ok, I’m convinced – Tell me how to set up AmazonSmile!

  • All you need to do is CLICK HERE (or go old school and copy-and-paste into your browser) to sign up for your favorite charity – AZRD LLC.  If this is your first time using AmazonSmile, you should see something like this:
  • Log in to your Amazon account, and you’ll be asked if you want your charity to be AZRD LLC.  (The answer is yes!)  If you don’t see a login window, check to see if your browser blocked the PopUp.
  • After that, just do all your Amazon shopping through and your donations are on the way!  You’ll know you’re in the right place by checking under the Amazon search bar.

  • Pro tip – Add a bookmark for to make it even easier to return to the right place.

Thank you for supporting Arizona Roller Derby!


PS – Need to go back in and modify?
Head to and sign in, click on “Accounts & Lists”, and then click on “AmazonSmile Charity Lists” to get to your charity selection.